New Eden Radio


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D - Jeff_Stuart_Live_2024_07_20 at 17h59m26sLive
  • C - Barbara_In_America_Show_20_07_2024
  • B - Dave_Wilson_20_07_2024
  • A - Daytime_Dee_2024_07_20 at 11h59m31s
  • The Wanted - Chasing the Sun
  • DD - PJs_Tea_show_2018_07_22
  • F - Deez_Pantz_show_2018_07_21
  • C - The_Great_Dave_Simpson_Show_21_07_2018
  • B - PJs_Starters_show_2018_07_21
  • GG - Dodgy_Deeary_Show_2016_07_24


Launched in 2008, New Eden Radio is an online radio station run entirely by volunteers. Its programming is dedicated to gamers located worldwide. It features entertainment, music, information and news.


Music, Mayhem and Madness for gamers everywhere!

Main Programs

  • Anarkros
  • Surayas
  • Hijak
  • Gunner
  • Sidsoul
  • Tranze
  • Taya
  • Daggaroth
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